Rabu, 3 Julai 2013

Laugh now, cry later?


Alhamdulillah safely arrived home from BeingMe, muslimah conference and also Marriott STS, which both in Putrajaya.
That's my first experience in attending international Islamic conference. Alhamdulillah diizinkan Allah untuk hadir ke majlis ilmu yang sangat-sangat berharga dan insyaAllah change my life, to be a better khalifah.

I am thinking a lot sekarang, in order to improve myself especially. Pokoknya, tak kisah lah dalam apa jua sekali pun, even in Herbalife business sekali pun, the first thing that we need to do is to focus and work more on yourself. yes, ourselves. :)
Same goes to create a better world, it just starts with us.

Even since 11 years ago, I keep asking myself.
why me? why now?
Diuji lagi.
Pusingan tu terus berterusan. :)

Tapi rupanya ada hikmah.
Setiap pahit getir hidup yang berlaku, i avoid myself to keep blaming on the situation itself. nanti bila duk sorang-sorang mesti akan tengok dan analyze balik. bila dah macam tu, apa yang jadi kat aku sekarang, etc. Alhamdulillah untuk semua ujian-ujian itu.

so, back to BeingMe sabtu lepas. hehe. waktu attend BeingMe tu, dalam kepala aku ni sarat dengan banyak benda sangat-sangat untuk difikirkan. it's not just about Herbalife thingy, tapi banyak benda lagi. lagi-lagi bila dalam bulan Jun tu banyak sangat things to go through. unexpected things. siap sampai orang boleh tegur nampak muka aku stress berfikir. hahah. dah la muka aku selalu kerut time berfikir.

so there u go. the first speaker pun aku dah nangis. lately, senang pulak nak nangis-nangis ni.
Even kalau tengah marah pun aku nangis, sebab taknak lepaskan anger tu melalut-lalut so aku end up nangis je. pastu okey. terapi sangat nangis ni kann. :P

semua speakers pun touched my heart. tapi yang paling terkesan adalah waktu Prof Muhaya punya session. listening to her, macam sebijik-sebijik menjawab almost semua pencarian aku. Allahuakbar. :')

*buku nota yang aku salin every notes tu tertinggal kat rumah sakinah snanye. so i'll write down points yang aku ingat je. hehe :D

1. Be positive

2. Do everything for the sake of Allah, to seek for Allah's pleasure.

3. Role of muslimah.
being told by Yusha Evans that we, a muslimah is in the front row of community, really awaken me, to still standing and stay strong. sebab actually, we are also leaders that creating leaders in future generations! :)

no matter what, how hard the path and how heavy the rain is, just keep walking forward.
insyaAllah will find something bright ahead. Allah kan adil, he'll never allow something to occur without any reasons. and also for we to learn.

Prof Muhaya ada cakap,

to be rich, help others to be rich. 
to be healthy, help others to be healthy too. 

and Alhamdulillah, i found both in Herbalife! :)

Prof cakap lagi, 
apa yang berlaku kat diri kita, semua kena berbalik kat diri kita balik. 

we get what we give. 

Jom berbuat baik, dan audit diri jom! :)

sambil tu boleh dengar ni skali. hihi

so sebagai penutup, apa pun ujian dan dugaan that we're facing now, just stay strong. sebab we have Allah. kekuatan yang semua dariNya. return to Him.
so dalam kes aku, I have to stand strong, for a way better future insyaAllah. :)

it's okay to cry now, and laugh later till Jannah, insyaAllah. :)

*entry ni lebih khusus kepada diri sendiri. 

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